WISCA Membership

The Association of Wisconsin Surgery Centers (WISCA) is proud to serve as your statewide membership association representing ambulatory surgery centers across Wisconsin.

Looking for reasons to join WISCA or renew your existing membership? Here are just a few…

Professional Development/Continuing Education

WISCA hosts both a Clinical Forum and Leadership Summit each year. These programs provide timely updates on clinical and practice-based issues relevant to you and your staff.


WISCA members receive regular electronic communications containing timely news, updates and other information. Members also have access to a secure online member directory to share resources and information.

Legislative Representation

WISCA represents and advocates for members’ interests by retaining professional legislative services. Working with a lobbyist, the Legislative Committee meets regularly to monitor developments in the state legislature, act on legislation accordingly, and update members on important issues affecting their ASC. Examples of past success including our work to repeal the ASC Assessment and increase MA funding.

Leadership Development

The WISCA Leadership Series was created for WISCA members to provide a high-quality, in-state program.  Content is developed for both the beginner and experienced manager.  Develop valuable leadership skills share your experience and contribute to the success of ASC’s in Wisconsin!

Peer to Peer Learning

Membership in WISCA is based on organizational membership, rather than individual. If your ASC is a member, there is no limit to the number of individuals on your staff who may be included in the membership.  Members are encouraged to connect with others, ask questions and share their experience and expertise.

Association of Wisconsin Surgery Centers
563 Carter Court, Suite B Kimberly WI 54136
920-560-5627 I WISCA@badgerbay.co

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